Sunday 29 September 2013


 Some of the demotivators are:
  •  Unfair criticism
  •  Negative criticism
  •  Public humiliation
  •  Rewarding the non performer which can be demotivating for the performer 
  • Failure or fear of failure
  •  Success which leads to complacence
  •  Lack of direction
  •  Lack of measurable objectives 
  • Low self-esteem 
  • Lack of priorities
  •  Negative self-talk
  •  Office politics 
  • Unfair treatment
  •  Hypocrisy
  •  Poor standards 
  • Frequent change
  • Responsibility without authority

A satisfied person is not necessarily a motivated person. Some people are satisfied with very little. In this case, satisfaction may lead to complacence. Motivation comes from excitement and excitement does not come unless there is full commitment. New methods of motivation will not work till the demotivating factors are removed. Many times, just removing the demotivating factors can spark motivation.
What we really want to accomplish is self-motivation, when people do things for their own reasons and not yours. That is lasting motivation. Remember, the greatest motivator is belief. We have to inculcate in ourselves the belief that we are responsible for our actions and behavior. When people accept responsibility, everything improves: quality, productivity, relationships and teamwork.
 A few steps to motivate others:
  •  Give recognition
  •  Give respect
  •  Make work interesting
  •  Be a good listener 
  • Throw a challenge 
  • Help but don't do for others what they should do for themselves

 People do things for their own reasons, not yours. This is illustrated by a story about Ralph Waldo Emerson. He and his son once were struggling to get a calf into the barn. Both father and son were exhausted, pulling and pushing. A little girl was passing by and she sweetly put her little finger into the calf's mouth and the calf lovingly followed her to the barn.

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