Saturday 7 December 2013


Most of our behavior is habitual. It comes automatically without thinking. Character is the sum total of our habits. If a person has positive habits, then he is considered a positive character. A person with negative habits is a negative character. Habits are a lot stronger than logic and reasoning. Habits start by being too weak to be felt, and end up becoming too strong to get out of. Habits can be developed by default or determination. I remember as a child my parents telling me, "You should form good habits because habits form character."

How Do We Form Habits ?
 Anything we do repeatedly becomes a habit. We learn by doing. By behaving courageously, we learn courage. By practicing honesty and fairness, we learn these traits. By practicing these traits, we master them. Similarly if we practice negative traits such as dishonesty, unjust behavior, or lack of discipline, that is what we become good at. Attitudes are habits. They are behavior patterns. They become a state of mind and dictate our responses.

 Most of our behavior comes as a result of conditioning-it is habitual. If we want to do anything well, it must become automatic. If we have to consciously think about doing the right thing we will never be able to do it well. That means we must make it a habit. We are all being conditioned continuously by the environment and the media, and we start behaving like robots. It is our responsibility to condition ourselves in a positive manner. 
When I was a student of martial arts, I observed that even the black belts were practicing blockpunch, the basics, because if they needed to use these skills, they had to come automatically. Good habits are hard to come by but easy to live with. Bad habits come easy but are hard to live with. 

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