Tuesday 17 December 2013

Prepare the Subconscious

 How can we use auto-suggestions to eliminate negative habits and develop positive ones? We have all used auto-suggestions unconsciously. For example, when you have to catch an early morning flight, you automatically tell yourself that you have got to get up. And invariably, you do (sometimes, even without an alarm clock). A prepared subconscious mind has hunches and gut feelings.
 Auto-suggestion is a way to program and condition our mind to make a statement into a self-fulfilling prophecy. Auto-suggestion is a repetitive process through which we feed our subconscious with positive statements which translate into reality. Repetition alone is not enough, unless it is accompanied by emotions and feelings.

 Auto-suggestions without visualization will not produce results. The first time our mind receives an autosuggestion it rejects it. Why? It is an alien thought, contrary to our belief system. Success would depend on our ability to concentrate and repeat the process. 

Steps to follow on auto-suggestions. 
1. Go to a spot where you won't be disturbed. 
2. Write down your suggestions. 
The self-discipline to finish what one starts, is imperative. Auto-suggestion is a powerful character building tool.
 Translating Auto-Suggestion into Reality
 1. Make a list of your auto-suggestions in the present tense.
 2. Repeat auto-suggestions at least twice a day: first thing in the morning and at the end of the day. This is because in the morning, the mind is fresh and receptive and at night you deposit the positive picture into your subconscious overnight. 
3. Repeat it consecutively for 21 days until it becomes a habit. 
4. Auto-suggestions alone will not work. They need visualization. 

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