Monday 9 December 2013


 Think of the mighty elephant who can lift in excess of a ton of weight with just its trunk. How do they condition the elephant to stay in one place with a weak rope and a stake? The elephant, when it is a baby, is tied to a strong chain and a strong tree. The baby is weak but the chain and tree are strong. The baby is not used to being tied. So it keeps tugging and pulling the chain, all in vain. A day comes when it realizes that all the tugging and pulling will not help. It stops and stands still. Now it is conditioned.
 And when the baby elephant becomes the mighty giant elephant, he is tied with a weak rope and a small stake. The elephant could, with one tug, walk away free, but it goes nowhere, because it has been conditioned. Human beings are constantly being conditioned, consciously or unconsciously, by exposure to:
  •  the kind of books we read;
  •  the kind of movies and TV programs we watch;
  •  the kind of music we listen to; 
  • the kind of company we keep.
While driving to work, if we listen to the same music every day for several days, and if the tape deck breaks down, guess what tune we will be humming?
 Insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. If you keep doing what you have been doing, you will keep getting what you have gotten. The most difficult thing about changing a habit is unlearning what is not working and learning positive habits.

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