Tuesday 8 October 2013


 We start forming our self-esteem, positive or negative, from the day we are born. We develop feelings about ourselves that are reinforced by others.
 Negative Self-Talk or Negative Auto-Suggestions
This is when we say to ourselves, consciously or unconsciously, statements such as:

  •  I have a poor memory.
  •  I'm not good at math. 
  • I'm not an athlete.
  •  I'm tired.

 Such statements only reinforce the negative and put ourselves down. Very soon our mind starts believing these statements and our behavior changes accordingly. They become self-fulfilling prophecies.
 The greatest thing that a parent can give to his children are roots. The best part of a family tree is the roots. Noticing a little girl's courteous and polite behavior, the teacher asked, "Who taught you to be so courteous and polite?" The girl replied, "No one. It just runs in our family." 

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