Tuesday 15 October 2013

Discipline is Loving Firmness

 I have asked this question to many participants in my seminars: "If your child had a fever of 105degF and did not want to go to the doctor, what would you do?" Invariably they said they would get medical help even if the child resisted. Why? Because it is in the best interest of the child.
 Parenting is Not a Popularity Contest
  •  A judge, when sentencing a man for robbery, asked if he had anything to say. The man replied, "Yes, your honor. Please sentence my parents to jail also." The judge asked, "Why?" The prisoner answered, "When I was a little boy, I stole a pencil from school. My parents knew about it but never said a word. Then I stole a pen. They knowingly ignored it. I continued to steal many other things from the school and the neighborhood till it became an obsession. They knew about it, yet they never said a word. If anyone belongs in jail with me, they do."

He is right. In not discharging their responsibilities, his parents are also to blame although it does not absolve him of his responsibility. Giving choices to children is important, but choices without direction result in disaster. Complete mental and physical preparation is the result of sacrifice and self discipline.
 Parents spend an average of 15 minutes a week in "meaningful dialog" with their children-- children who are left to glean whatever values they can from peers and TV. --Journal of the American Family Association

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